Quote Bilko="Bilko"Hampshire is class and was/is wasted playing at Full Back.'"
Could the same not be said of Sam Tomkins?
Tomkins even at the age of 19/20 established himself into the top tier of HB's. If I'm correct his 1st intentional honours came at #6 against Australia and he showed the world he could hold his own against the best HB's in the game.
Sam's move to FB hasn't hampered, held him back or wasted him in anyway. Playing FB allowed him to showcase his broken field running and elusive pace.
That being said if Sam was staying at Wigan i'd be screaming from the roof tops that next season would be the time for him to return to #6 and let Hampshire find his feet in the game at FB.
For me at times this season we've cried out for Sam to put up at HB and just give us something different. He's got that natural ball playing ability to make something magic happen. Think back to his time at #6, in particular Madge's 1st season and the Wire away game. That night he destroyed Wire on his own and topped the night off with a lovely deft chip over and gather. That off the cuff play is something Green doesn't or can't offer.
With that in mind i'd run with Hampshire at FB and Sam at 6 for the remaining games of the season. Teams think they've got us worked out with the wrap around and they think they can contain Sam by sniffling out the ball he receives. Moving Sam to 6 would have teams cr@pping their pants as they'd have to factor in his threat at 1st receiver whilst also trying to stop the wrap around with Hampshire there.