Quote Gronk!="Gronk!"I've offered to help a couple of times over the last couple of years in better ways than just buying an ST - it always falls on deaf ears, so I gave up.'"
In what way?
Quote Gronk!As for sport is different to business, no it isn't - the same basic principles are there, you need to provide a service (in this case a playing squad) that is value for money'"
I'd argue differently. I don't walk into Tesco every week thinking that I'll never change to a rival. The simple fact is that I will and I might. Ordinary high street businesses attract floating buyers. Sport is a business but to truly support a club, you never change that. Unless you're going to pitch up at Wakey next week? Therefore, sporting organisations rely on loyalty and goodwill to an extent. It's what following your club is all about - experience the highs, suffer the lows.
Quote Gronk!Are Castleford Tigers value for money? No, not by a long shot - poor players who are poorly coached in a shocking stadium that doesn't even have a full sized pitch.'"
And have other clubs been? Do you think Salford fans have been happy over past few seasons? Do you think Wakey fans have? Do you think that Bulls fans are? How about Huddesfield fans right now? Sure they can spend the cap but they've not won anything like us. And if that's your viewpoint then I suggest that you're following the wrong club if you want everything over night.
Quote Gronk!All it would take is 1-2 big signings - known names, Cas could (and should) have got Gareth Ellis but they scared him off with how poorly run the club is, if players can see it then it's a bad sign. Shenton was a good start, but every signing since has been somewhat of a letdown.'"
Big names? Look, Cas have a limited budget. We can sign 2 big name players just for you but they take up half our budget and so we fill the squad with NL1 'raters' or youngsters as you've vehemently said over the course of the threads. Make your mind up? Do you want a solid base with depth that we've been crying out for or to spend our cap on big name players, who may not even perform like they expect and have a small squad? Equally, let's look at the Aus dollar compared to the cap over here. You're going to see a vast change in the amount of Aussies coming across here now. Look at all the top end clubs eyeing up English youngsters. There's a reason.
Quote Gronk!You don't need to make millions from sponsors - the Sky money is a fair bit over a million quid now, if you use the Sky money solely for playing staff you should be able to attract sponsors to cover most if not all of the other costs, if you aren't then the commercial department are failing'"
The Sky money is barely a million. You seem to be intimating that the only cost is just the salary cap of £1.65m. You forget costs for staff, facilities, equipment, insurance, tax, etc etc. There are other bills to pay.
Quote Gronk!Any commercial manager worth their salt can attract sponsors that are "above" the business that they're being asked to sponsor - what do Cas have as sponsors? A load of local companies that probably make less than a million quid a year combined.'"
A load of guff without a shred of evidence. A load of local companies - take a look around Gronk. Tell me which club doesn't have local companies sponsor it? Also, I'd love to know what research you've undertaken into the financial accounts of companies sponsoring us.
Quote Gronk!It wouldn't hurt to actually go out and look for some moderately big names - a couple of the Unis in the area are loaded, betting companies etc'"
Why didn't you apply for Poskitt's role if it's that easy. Perhaps you could have a word with Fozz and tell him all these contacts you have?
Quote Gronk!As for RW, I like the bloke but he was clearly out of his depth and he did the right thing in stepping down, especially with the calibre of replacement brought in.'"
The replacement you're already bagging.
Quote Gronk!He's had the job a week, so it's his call to sell him, if he does that is his decision.'"
You have absolutely no idea what situation he's walked into nor do you understand what is going on behind the scenes.
Quote Gronk!We all clearly want SL more than the club do - Championship level team at best run like an amateur team, Ferres is a good start but there's still far too much dead wood that needs ripping out of the club.'"
I await the way you believe the club should be changing things with interest.