I put these pics on the Hull forum and I was banned within minutes.

[/url [url=http://img271.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=796353240_HullRLFC_122_48lo.jpg

Ashamed of their past obviously.
JUst wondering if they ever brought out a badge Hull Sharks 1865? Wouldn't put it past them.
As for this Hull Football Club nonsense here is the proof Syd Shepherd was right all along. Hull don't seem to know what to call themselves but I think they need to understand we do have a football club they are called Hull City owned by Rovers benefactor Asseem Allam.
Also looking at those pics if Hull were still at the Boulevard now I don't think Wakefield would have anything to worry about. I just hope Hull realise how important it is to keep paying their rent to said Rovers benefactor Assem Allam, he may want to use it as another gift to the people of East Hull.