Quote Blue and Golden Age="Blue and Golden Age"Isn't it ironic that whenever The Dons win nobody posts anything on here'"
Next to no one posts on here nowadays.
I find making posts on here can be frustrating. Typing can be painfully slow... and that's nothing to do with my PC, as this is the only site I visit that causes such issues. Pressing 'submit' often doesn't work and I have to type the post out again.
Email notifications of other people's posts arrive in my inbox days after they've been posted or not at all. Again, this is not an issue with my emails as this is the only site I have problems with.
Maybe the site technology is now geared up primarily for mobile apps and not PCs? I don't know. Maybe, it's because I use Firefox for accessing the web? Firefox works fine elsewhere though.
After getting promoted last season, I thought interest on the forum would increase. Maybe everyone has flocked to Facebook? I don't know. I don't do Facebook.
Sad really as we've had some good posters on here over the years... but I think it's fair to say things ain't what they used to be.
Anyone else got any thoughts on why so few people use this forum now?