scarrie:ComeOnYouUll:BP1:Mrs Barista:
Aaron Bower: Hull FC have won more Super League games in six matches this season (4) than they did in their previous 36 matches spanning two seasons (3). Some start from John Cartwright
Six games in and we have 50% more points already than we achieved across the whole of 2024, and a Cup win at Wigan to boot!! Like you say, some start from JC.
Wonder how it compares to our other coaches across recent years?The times they are a-changing, as someone rather more erudite than myself once famously said!
First eight games as Hull FC coach:
Cartwright W6 D1 L1
Grix W1 L7
Smith W2 L6
Hodgson W5 D1 L2
Last W4 L4
Radford W3 L5
Gentle W6 D1 L1
Same record as Gentle, Grand Final nailed on then!
Wrong Peter - Gentle got us to a CC final, sharp got is to our one and only Grand final