Did anyone else see this guy?! Tubby guy with the pony tail.
I have NEVER seen someone so committed to their job! He was like a bloody robot! Just couldn't help but watch him, it was amazing!
After each try, runs onto the pitch with the ball, places it perfectly on the centre spot (making sure each apex of the ball faces the posts) and then stands there perfectly still waiting for the kicker to return.
Kicker returns, extends arm out perfectly with kicking tee, runs back to 40m line and kneels on one knee watching the kicker.
Kick-off happens, looks left, looks right (I assume to check if it is clear!), picks up tee, runs back to the 40m line, then runs perfectly along the 40m line back to the dug out!
He did this EVERY TIME! We were talking through what he was going to do before he did it and the people around us were in tears! We were gonna video it on our mobiles, but sods law we didn't score again when we got them ready! This guy deserves a fan club!
Makes our guy look bloody amateur! (Agar's fault

Anyone else notice him?!