This might be a good idea - but not claiming to be one of the forums experts I'm not sure. Might even be in operation already?
Still I'll run it here and see what reactions it gets.
Myself, like I suspect many others on here due to modern working practices finds it very hard to attend anything like all home matches anymore. Hence the advantages of a season ticket are lost on me and I don't buy one. I just don't get to enough matches to benefit, nor can I be sure until the day which matches I can attend.
Yet I'm a loyal fan who in general manages 6-8 matches a year and currently when I do attend I get stung for the full £20 which is both harsh on my wallet and expensive enough to put me off attending all but the choicest games.It's quite hard to justify that expenditure to my non RL supporting wife.
Now this is not the clubs fault I accept that - however I'm sure they wish all fans to be a part of any discounting schemes especially those which produce cash up front and more or less guarantee attendance.
So what about a club discount ticket.
Covering any 6 games for example in a season it would cost £30 up front and give you a £10 admission on the day. This is not a short season ticket as it is not tied to any specific games.
Basically the ticket buyer stumps up £5 (£30 for 6 games) in advance and £10 on the day and the club discounts £5 on the day.
The club - the club get £30 up front even if not all the discounts are used. They incentivise attendances amongst those who can't do a full season and they have a very reasonably priced Christmas gift to sell pre season. I don't know how hard or expensive this would be to administer to be honest?
The fan -I suspect many fans would get these discount tickets as gifts (very affordable as gift from a kid to their dad or an uncle et cetc) or would happily part with £30 in the closed season. They then know that they can attend 6 games which would almost certainly be the less popular games at a manageable tenner a go and perhaps feeling flush bring a younger or new spectator with them. The big games, Leeds or Cas will always be worth full admission price in my book and I wouldn't need a discount to attend those!
It seems to work for me but as I've learned to my cost on this forum that people rarely react as you hoped - so give it your best shot.
PS: Hope my figures are right and remember these are just examples