Quote JINJER="JINJER"Maybe it's just a keyboard warrior thing, people think they can hide behind their persona, I love coming on forums and posting, but I just can't imagine why people go on forums and pretend to be something they aren't in real life. Pretty sad really.'"
I don't know whether you're refering to me?
I wouldn't normally bother with such a long and serious response, but as it's you.
You know me and the one thing I don't do is hide behind my persona .Loads of people know who I am, probably to many but I don't hide it. I've never changed my user name and I've never posted as someone else.
Of course I'm nothing like Vastman in real life, I just give most people enough credit to know that. As for being a keyboard warrior, seriously? As already stated I'm known, by definition you can only be a 'keyboard warrior' if your identity was hidden and it isn't.Chissitt and his mates could easily find me at a match and give me a right ear bashing or worse. I don't think he would condone that, I think he's better than that but it's a risk I run so I'm no keyboard warrior.
I've been threatened twice, and punched once for my opinions on here by the way. That's how it goes I suppose, some people can give it but can't take it and as such they can't tell the difference between reality and what's said on here. That is what I call sad.
That said I won't stop. My poo stirring and that of a few others has IMO made this one of the most lively and active forums there is. How many other forums are visited and commented on by the club owner.
I'm not taking the credit for that by the way, but the fact that this forum remains so diverse and so active and so argumentative is part of the reason he bothers IMHO - he may deny it but that would be one of the rare occasions when I didn't believe him. If nothing else it gives the guy some idea as to what he's up against.
Ditto the previous regimes. Apart from the formation of SWAG so many positives have come from this forum. So much corruption uncovered - your mate Bazzo managed it with Glover. His timing was wrong IMO but his facts were right. It's all about opinion I suppose. Either way it all helped hasten his removal before it got even worse.
Were this the generic forum so beloved of Cas fans, no one would ever question anything and as I've said before we have not got that luxury. Whilst ever the club is in danger on and off the field we must IMHO remain critical in a responsible way. So I'll keep prodding for now.
As for Chissitt, I don't like him and didn't from the start. Don't know why, he just isn't my kind of person - I believe I'm allowed my own opinions on that issue?
I know he's your mate, fair enough. However you know me also, so if it's me you mean then I'm certainly sad to here it but not surprised. You all seem to be a bit blinded by this particular individual but hey what do I know, he may be a regular father christmas around Normy way

. If you think the way he posts on here is any more acceptable than me then fine, your choice.
I suppose I thought you were a bit deeper than most and a touch more fair minded but as I say he's your mate so fair doo's, my mistake