Quote exiled Warrior="exiled Warrior"No
Age 29 - would demand a huge fee (Toulon will be paying him shed load like all French RU), would take time to adapt - assuming he could stay out of trouble, worth a risk ...for me absolutely not we would be best to stay well clear, even assuming he would be interested and I don't think he would consider RL.'"
He's the sort of player Leeds would have bought back in the 90s.
They'd have paid a fortune for him, courted publicity from the world's sporting press for the best part of a month, and then, ignoring advice that it was going to take him at least a year (by which time he'd be in his 30s) to reach an adequate standard, they'd pitch him straight into a very tough match, expecting great things, only to see the opposition drop him on his head in the first minute and kill any further interest he might have in a game as tough as Rugby League.
He would then quietly withdraw from view, a lot richer, and Leeds would hardly ever mention the incident again, their fans preferring to talk about how Wigan's era of dominance was due entirely to colossal and ill-advised expenditure on overseas players.