Good start on the home fixtures.
Hull being the first home game should be looking at 17k+
Wire second home game 20k+
Saints at Good Friday 24k (sell out)
Catalans 13-15k with a bit of marketing
Quins 18k if we can do the same deal as usual with local businesses
5 games in our average should be somewhere around 18-19k which is a fantastic start.
We get a good start, keep those float along fans interested from the first few games, theres no reason we cant keep the average somewhere between 17-18k next year.
Perhaps looking at those fixtures the KR game as stated above would be a good idea for the big one, even if we are bringing the game forward. Wait until after the first hull games out of the way before announcing it though as we'll only put the black and whites noses out and then have non of them coming over for the first game