I agree with you BT re Crowd Funding but feel such a stretching target can often put people off.
Of course we don't know how much notice of Hughes' pulling of the plug the club had but I am disappointed they didn't announce a range of memberships ie a non ticket on at say £50 for those that follow the club but not able to attend or turn the gold or Silver lounges into a Debenture area say for a 3 year membership at £1200 which covered your 3 years Season Tickets. Had 5 years as a Harlequins Debenture holder & very enjoyable it was too. They can of course still do this but the initial impetus has now gone.
I've signed up for 2 memberships & hoping for some non Sunday games so I can go. However, as a Crusader I signed up to Struddy's Life Membership, which in the end only lasted 2 years so very expensive STs they became. Clearly I will of had a poor record on London RL investment if this all goes belly up.