Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"very little to add other than until the club frees up cash to employ and supply a Marketing person with a decent budget then our attendances will continue to slide.
In 2003 all it would have taken was hard work....in 2013 it will now take hard work and hard cash
....come to think of it, it is worth maybe someone pointing out to our Chairman that Harlequins will attract more fans to one game, marketed as an event and well publicised, than the current CEO has managed to attract to twenty ing six home games under his stewardship.
82,200 people were convinced, cadjoled, bribed or press-ganged into attending a game that would normally have attracted 14 to 15,000.......this is how an ON THE ROAD event is run. Fans of both clubs would have been bombarded with messages "bigging the event up", encouraging people to organise groups, regular bulletins and of course a prettydevent amount of marketing spend.
Last year, 2,844 attended one of our on the Road games..........the second lowest gate ever for the visit of the Bradford Bulls........and yet the CEO tried to put a positive spin on it

The average attendance for a Bradford game in London before 2012 was 4,645, so we got 1,801 LESS than this....but he declares it a success.
The other OTR game attracted less than 4,000 and only got close thanks to the Medway Stampede of Rugby League event and many many free tickets for the Kids....it attracted 315 more fans than was the average for Hull FC prior to 2012......prior to 2012 we SOLD every ticket for this fixture.......
EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED........that's a success, not nearly 1,500 LESS fans than the average over the previous 16 seasons
The Chairman needs to act and act now IMO......he has said he can't go indefinitely bankrolling the club and he patently has an aversion to spending money on Marketing. He needs to go the the RFL/SKY and offer 75% of his stake in the club for nothing up front, but 5 million invested over 4 years, with total control of the day to day running of the club taken over by business minded people, who understand the direct connection between bums on seats, ticket and residual revenues and increased awareness attracting sponsors. The current Club management have achieved exactly nothing of any merit in 2 years and should be replaced immediately.The new management would need to come up with ways to attract fans back as well as getting new ones on board....not ing around with name changes or blaming imaginary confusion over our Identity. By all means look for a new home, but bin Kent as an idea from the start......get into negotiations with Brentford.
For 20% of the money DH currently es away each year, you'd get a 20k per game budget and 50k to pay a decent marketing bod.......it really isn't ing brain science and neither is it rocket surgery neither, but it would seem that the RFL are happy for the current lot to carry on as normal untill we become another Bradford, Salford, Crusaders or Wakefield.....and when London Broncos do go to the wall, it will be mainly because not one person connected with the back office staff at the club in the last 2 years has been qualified for the positions they have occupied.
It's just not cricket I tell thee......just not cricket!