We have decided to give it a go with a change of Poker day,to Sundays afternoons at 4.00pm,still at the Centurion pub on St helens road,the reason for this is weare hoping to attract more entries,mainly from shift workers who cant attend during the week.
We are still keeping the Tuesday nights game,for the time being,this is just to see how popular Sundays are,hopefully more people will attend,as we need this to be a success,the Sundays commence this week the 10th October,pleasecome along and support this event,i will be e-mailing potential players individually ,telling them about this,also we havespoke about having a Big Game Tournament for Christmas ,more details on here later in the year.
Last nights game went well for the Carolis,as Charlie jnr beat me in the Final,normally the finalists share the cash,but Charlie jnr was being greedy,and won last nights event

Frank B wont be pleased making an early exit Again.Anyway getting back to Sundays game ,pleasecome along Lynda and myself are doing all we can to make this a success,and Mandy from the Centurion,kindly laid on free sandwiches for us,to show others aresupporting us to, i look forward to seeing a few new faces on Sunday,and remember you dont need to be a Pro to enter,we will help you,thanks Ian.