Than EVERY OTHER Championship 1 team next year and a lot of Championship clubs in the support department.
We also need to be the big draw in the town when we play at home.
We are down now and must be planning to be the BEST by a long long way next season - the planning MUST start at 09:00hrs tomorrow, no time to feel sorry for ourselves or one of this seasons diseases......complacency.
A quality attractive package has to be offered to fans on matchday, winning will help (and we need to bloody market the out of this club to get people in).
Going down need not be as damaging, the League Title should be top of the list (preferrablly following Dewsburys fine example) followed by the NRC.
Its not impossible and it could work for us.
The club shouldn't comment abouty any RFL issues AT ALL , and equally not have anything to do with this dubious organisation except the usual pleasentries if they are in town and to tell them how well we have done (it worked for Salford).
It will be a very hard sell (I'm gutted tonight, but bloody annoyed, annoyed that a French Heartland club is
again favoured over a English Heartland club

) , we will lose fans however we must hit the ground running and the annoyance at the circumstances of our demise could be used to galvanise support.
We will have the best squad the lower league has seen and definatly the best coach (if not the most expensive), nothings really changed except we have lost a decent derby game in Widnes and a chance of away fans turning up following Halifax.
The club needed the slap on the backside, a shocking level of complacency has crept in, for me it started to go wrong away at Halifax pre SL and we have largely been in freefall since - if this drop means we get back to doing what we do best (playing attractive RL, Best vociferous support home & away) then I'll be glad to see us go down and it'll have been worth the drop.
The club HAS to start to work now, 16pounds for Championship Rugby is too much, we need deal after deal after deal.
We have been totally inept at selling the club to a huge area of dormant fans and new fans (you only realise how over populated the area is when you move out of it - believe me there is more than enough room for umpteen SL clubs in Greater Manchester /Lanc's), Mr Thomas needs to ensure his next signings are off the field, ones that can sell this club to bigger audience every home game.