Quote THECherry&Whites="THECherry&Whites"Thanks guys. We're hoping to ruffle a few feathers next season. Phil Clarke will be going apoplectic on Sky if we turnover his beloved Wig@n at the LSV
Bongser met a plastic pah-ayter in Manc today. Irish fellah who'd flown over for the Grand Final with his wife and daughter. He was still wearng his Wiggin shirt and was completely made up (not in the eye-liner and lippy sort of way!) We got chatting and the three of them are looking forward to visiting LSV next season as they have been to every other SL ground bar the two Hull ones (or should that now be ONE Hull one). Sound bloke, called me a lobby-gobbler, knew about every single signing Leythe had made and was particularly enthused about Pelissier coming on under Mickey's wing - thinks he'll be a belter.
Great to find that the 13 man code is fervently followed by some on the Emerald Isle. Perhaps the RFL should be franchising a little less to the west?