Quote Dita's Slot Meter="Dita's Slot Meter"This season will be written off.
A contact sport like RL is the last thing that should be encouraged with the amount of bodily fluids flying about.
Also as Duckie suggests, I'm not convinced, despite the bravado of some, there is much desire for people to go out and huddle together with a load of strangers on a terrace any time soon.'"
Again, spot on.
I'm getting pretty sick and tired of the British media DESPERATE to get the Premier League started again, so they can can get one of their "darling" teams a title/cup/qualification
I must admit, being an island nation, I didn't expect us to be affected as horrifically as we have. Yet, 3 months into this, and 400-500 A DAY are still DYING, and needy lovers are chomping at the bit to get a league started. PATHETIC
I've read on other boards/media etc, about how society has (temporarily) changed for the better. We are more tolerant to each other. Yet in sport, I read/hear "not fair, we're still in this conp, we can still win this, why should it be stopped"
There's more to life than titles , and honours boards.
Sport (particularly ours) will hopefully survive this.