Quote The Avenger="The Avenger"Here we are then, one week to the first match of a bright new Super League season, new format, extended World Club Challenge, Magic Weekend in Newcastle, Challenge Cup, The Play Offs etc..
Where's the media coverage?
The BBC Rugby League page top story for 5 consecutive days has been the Gareth Raynor Rape case ?'"
Not sure who you're directing your question to?
First up, the BBC Sports editors need to be engaged, but instead of doing this, the RFL pander to the specialist League Publications Limited and its moonie followers. This is pointless, as those people who pay for these rags already know when and where their teams are playing and are more than capable of trawling the web for information. Mark Foster was appointed to the role at the RFL, of Marketing and Communications director, so maybe you should ask him why various RL centric websites and publications seem to be treated with more professional courtesy than the major media outlets. Preaching to the converted is lazy......
The appointment of Foster last Feb does raise the question of what happened to the heralded marketing guru, Matt Lowery appointed in March 2012? Do we have room for a Director and a Guru? Who is making the decisions?
Don't get me wrong, Foster did great work at RLWC2013, but flogging tickets for a tenner isn't a long term plan that will deliver success......the lack of anything on the BBC site about the season start and the WCC sits squarely at his door. How much daily interaction is there between the RFL and the BBC? If it were purely a case of the BBC ignoring press releases from the RFL, then the Parliamentary group would be involved, so I suspect it's just a matter of opening channels of communication and not some mythical conspiracy.
Secondly, why would the BBC give any coverage to a competition that they won't cover live for a good few rounds yet? Skirlaugh Bulls v Aberdeen Warriors this Saturday is not of interest to 99.9% of the BBC audience, so why cover it? Or are you that blinkered that you think the BBC should cover all news, including friendlies of a sport that has its entire top tier located along one road?
Media coverage you say?
The promotional video THE TIME HAS COME has been eyeballed by 65,000 or so people so far in 1 week. Compare this to say the the visit England video unofficially released a week earlier that is already on 216,000. The RL has been pushed by the RL moonie press and website corps, whilst Visit England has yet to be officially released.......yet you want media coverage? I'd be pinging an email to Mr Foster and the Guru at the RFL rather than fishing on a forum
BTW.....if you want to complain about the RFU riding on visit England marketing campaigns, [url=http://www.visitengland.org/marketing/opportunities/team.aspxKNOCK YOURSELF OUT[/url
As for extended WCC, Magic weekend and the Play offs.....were you struggling to find reasons you believe the BBC should cover the sport? Moonie Express hasn't covered the play offs or Magic weekend either of late.......