Quote Bulliac="Bulliac"To be honest, I feel Thaler is probably the best ref in the game at the moment [opinion formed watching games on Sky and Silverwood is usually pretty decent. All refs, like players and the rest of us, have their good and bad days of course, and commit howlers from time to time. Never liked Mr Child though, far more capricious [think that's the right word.. than most and universally hated at Odsal - not as much as another bloke I could mention though....I do wonder if they base decisions on the fact that the crowd don't like them?'"
Thaler's the best we have had. (in one victory and one defeat) Seems to have a good rapport with the players, and actually knew the Christian names of our players, ("Get back Sam, leave it Sam, walk away Sam"

) rather than call them all "you" a la Silverwood, who has been admittedly better (in two defeats) than Child. (one victory, one defeat and one draw)
Of course, Cobb has been much better than any of the above!! (in two victories)