Why would we want to merge with anyone , Superleague aint the be all and end all of Rugby League.
THe Superleague is all about one thing and thats money , not the fans or the clubs ,just plain and simple money , the more you have got (via big backers etc )the more Superleague will look after you
Wakey for instance are getting their act together (and fair play to them)but they dont need us and with respect we dont need Wakey or anyone else for that matter.
If the choice came i would sooner watch my club play in the championship or wherever as long as they were the Castleford Tigers and im damn sure most fans from other clubs would say the same ,Mergers do not work Ie Huddersfield/Sheffield (sheffield lost out ) ,Hull /Gateshead (Gateshead lost out)
Delboy66(aye of theTigers fanzine)