Quote the_grobs="the_grobs"Putting it in clear words, I can honestly say that we don't need this 'weirdo' at the club. No matter how much potential the guy may have, even as a free signing.......signing him would bring absolute ridicule on the club. We've already had enough of that with the likes of Dwayne Johnson, Mitchell drink driving in our community, and Fatty Faumina's antics.
Would you want your kids going up to him and getting their shirts signed by him etc. Matterson needs sacking even be considering it.'"
FOR ONE STUPID DRUNKEN MOMENT. Get a grip, hes not a child molester or anything. He got ed, did something stupid and a so called mate filmed it and couldnt wait to get it on tinternet. Hands up all thoe saintly enough to have not done something stupid whilst under the influence.................................
Oh and I forgot , Aussie internationals are queuing up to sign darnt lane so we can really tell this one to off , cant we ?????