Quote Dbvada="Dbvada"There have been a few comments on here about the foundations that are being set by our BOD.
My main complaint is that it is impossible to tell if these are having any impact on the clubs financial position as we don't say much or publish figures. The last set of accounts, and these are short form so quite opaque, were as at 30/12/14. Next ones are due by 31/8/16, our BOD always leave it to the last minute to file details.
If you look at where we have been
30/12/14 showed us with negative shareholders funds of £365,619 and a loss of £591,245
30/12/13 showed us with negative shareholders funds of £274,935 and a loss of £455,569
30/12/12 showed us with negative shareholders funds of £219,142 and a loss of £339,769
I'm guessing these are to November, not December, given that the next ones are due in August (nine months after the year end) ? Plus 30th December is a tad unusual ....
2013 deficit of £274,935 + the loss of £591,245 = £866,180, so that suggests someone pumped in £500,000 or thereabouts in terms of share capital. Plus £400,000 the year before.
Ach - you're safe for just as long as someone doesn't get fed up of writing cheques out every month to fund the wages. Same as the rest of us.
As to the quality of information, blame the Government. From next year, it'll get even worse.