Seeing that the accounts are available for public inspection I cannot see any reason why they cannot be discussed on here, but please correct me if I'm not allowed to do so.
The accounts for the year ended 30 November 2008 have recently been filed, and because the company is small, only abbrieviated accounts showing the balance sheet, and excluding the profit & loss account, need be filed. But you can tell if the company has made or lost money by comparing the profit & loss reserves with the previous year.
In the case of Halifax RL ... the P & L reserves are EXACTLY the same as last year, obviously meaning the company broke even for the year ended 2008. "EXACTLY"????!!! you ask. Yes, EXACTLY. So we didn't lose money for the last reported year ... that's all we need to know
Anyway .... just to confirm that Widnes lost £986,380 for the year ended November 2008 as discussed on here several weeks ago, and that does NOT include the £912k spent on intangible & tangible assets as some folk seemed to believe, but the loss DOES include just over £200k depreciation on these assets.
And in November 2008 we were richer than Widnes