Is it me or is it the football.
35.17 mins gone and I might go out and watch the rain dry on the pavement.
That rather dark manc bloke with a short mohecan has missed two easy chances and that rather dark bloke who plays for the other mancs has missed one.
The rather dark manc bloke with the short mohecan has just dived and asked for a penalty,
By the way the rain has dried up now.
That manc with the hair transplant has just "been a half yard of the pace"
Thank goodness for that.
It's half time.
Just going out to paint the garage door so I can watch it dry during the second half.
Seriously "If "England get through, would any self respecting Fax Fan want to watch that rather than Fax v Fev?
O'h no Alan Shearer is on now.