Quote The Ostrich="The Ostrich"It's nice someone from another club is showing an interest in the Ostriches. The chairman is a lovely man but seems to employ staff who are unsuitable. for the tasks allocated. Last year he kept a coach who had won something like 10 games in 3 seasons in the championship. He is still there and the non Ostrich element seem to think he has altered his methods and will be successful this year. In the close season the club "sacked " the stewards, many who were long term fans and worked for as little as £15. Glad you enjoyed your time on the grass banks. These areas are now off limits and fans are no longer allowed on these for health and safety reasons. In spite of these and other misgivings the non Ostrich element are oblivious to the real situation and refuse to face the facts. the Ostriches were a group of like minded individuals who believed the ones with their heads in the sand should be educated in the ways of the world. Alas threats are generally the usual response but then again this is Dewsbury so we should expect this.
As the season progresses you will be able to see your players demoralised and eventually loose heart. The time keeper and announcer are bullies who threaten everyone and recently a long time employee has left the club for personal reasons and we have encouraged him to write for the website.
Hope you have a good new year. Fancy an Ostrich shirt?'"
Ok, feel i have unknowingley entered internal club wars.
I take it from your comments you have a similar opinion of your Chairman to a good cross section of Salford fans towards John Wilkinson, and very little time or a severe lack of belief in Warren Jowitt - was Warren the coach when you were promoted to National League One ? i thought that year you could have given a lot of League one clubs a run for there money, what went wrong, obvoiusly last year was a huge disapointment and although for me only speaking to players, seeing your games on t.v and reading reports in the papers i gather it must have been tough (i understand that as we have been through two relegations ourselves, didnt get a repreive mind

For what reason were the stewards dismissed, what is it the time keeper and announcer do and to who to make them bullies ?
I get a section of like minded fans becoming disalusioned, think its natural to voice your opinions and get a feeling of frustration at other fans 'not seeing the light' - i must admit i find ''trying to educate these fans'' a little condesending and feel everyone regardless as to right or wrong has a right to there opinion.
What is it you/your group do/say to get a reaction of threat fro other non like minded fans ?
Must admit your assesment of the effect of your club on our youngsters does not fill me with confidence but i have planned on a trip to one of your games for a while now to meet with family of players - maybe its time i came to see for myself !
Thankyou for the offer of an Ostrich shirt and feel it would be rde to decline although in all honesty i think i would like to form my own opinions to what i think before 'wearing my scarf' and risking offending one or the other segment of your crowd - maybe ill just go in my Cas top and offend both segments
Happy new year to you - i will stay in touch and hopefully see you for one of your friendly's/home games soon,
Regards !