Quote Standee="Standee"from the specifications of the buildings to'"
OK, first

- the building specifications were deliberately kept low cost and sustainable. I know, I worked on quite a few of them. They also varied from project to project and were largely decided by the client and Architects.
Quote Standeeto the actual amounts of money they were prepared to pay. '"
And second,

- it was largely private enterprise. That was one of the fundermental reasons for BSF. It was certainly more efficient than the traditional school building process.
Quote Standee
What cuts IN education have there been, are teacher numbers going down, class sizes going up? - no.'"
And finally - you are kidding me? What cuts in eduction? Its one of the hardest hits. As somebody that has been to survey schools, as well as spent much of my career working on education projects, schools in this country are largely falling apart. There are actually some schools that are literally been held together with ongoing (and very expensive) maintenance work. You don't regard school building as a cut? That and the almost certain cuts that will effect front line teachers. Its a very bleak time for education, and under this joke of a government it will only get worst.