Quote Standee="Standee"Yes folks, Lee is THAT good he is attracting the interest of.....Salford.
Nice guy, probably, good "club man", seems to be, future member os a top 4 squad, nope.
Seriously, all this sentiment needs to stop, or we will forever be mid-table. (and I am sure some would settle for that)'"
You never know, he could be a rovers player nest year, it is not out of the question. Then he will be a member of a top four squad

I know a few rovers fans who would see him as a useful signing and they do have a knack of signing ex FC players. All the ones they have released who have gone to Rovers have done a good job, Briscoe

. Arguably Cooke but Chester provided the experience in their first season and for someone who was injury prone they got more than their fair share of games out of him and when fit he was an excellent player and it was a shame he had to retire the way he did. It always seems that the most injury prone players are the ones that could make the most impact. Scott Wheeldon after playing his way in is doing a fine job as well, he does not do anything fancy but gets through a lot of work and and is unfazed by some of the monster hits he has taken. Anyone who says he is too small for a prop is completely wrong, he has got to be 16 stone at least and has some real upper and lower body bulk.