Having just seen hull trying to get hall back from Widnes this is beyond a joke
Having followed fc for 45 years I have seen many bad fc teams and bad coaches
But this current setup is by far the worse ever; the team has no pride and the coach is tactically clueless he has let good players leave the club that are better than what we have.ie Scott wheelden/james Webster would have been better than thorman then he Sends our leading try scorer out on loan when we can’t score anyway
If we lose a game and the team has given 100% I don’t mind but this team never gives 100% and we get the same feeble excuses from the coach.
How many times times season have you seen a hull player involved in fisticuffs ,not many because there is no passion and when are we going to stop sighing overrated and overpaid aussies coming to the end of there careers
I take my hat off to all the fantastic hull fans who still go and watch them week in And week out but I for one will not be going again until this team plays like a team

And are proud to wear the famous black/white shirt and gives 100%