Part of the Hull Squad listed for the start of the 60-61 season:
David Doyle Davidson (didn't debut until Feb '61, not sure if in photo)
Gordon Harrison
Cyril Sykes - was a tall lean lad not sure
William 'Bill' Drake - Smack in the middle top row (7th from right or left) started as winger believe it or not!
Jim Drake As mentioned
Brian Hambling
Mick Scott -As mentioned
Terry Hollindrake
Jack Kershaw
Tom Harris, Is Tommy in this photo?
Johnny Whitely As mentioned
Stan Cowen - As mentioned
Frank Broadhurst (might be 1st Left front or it could be Tommy Finn)
Ralph Walters (deffo Not in photo)
George matthews - possibly front row 3rd from right
Tommy Finn - See Broadhurst Above
Peter Bateson - could be 2nd from right back row
Not in that list are:
Brian Saville fairly certain is 4th from right, he reminds me of a young knocker
Sam Evans had his debut 26.09.59 only played 17 games so could well have been the big lad in the middle of the photo.

Deffo Nan Halafihi, debut was 09.01.60
My greatest Hull FC treasure is an original framed signed photo of the team from the late 50s