Quote Butcher="Butcher"Ste Mills’ comment in the recent Trinity Heritage fans forum was telling. He said first and foremost they have a no d*ckheads policy. Signing players based on ability rather than character has been the downfall of many a team, including Wakefield. And you get the impression that might have been the case at Warrington - McGuire being the obvious one.
A lot of us will have played in teams with characters like that who play every week because they can dominate, but they’re rubbish to train with and make the atmosphere toxic.
As for ‘still’ BLM - it’s players like Jordy Crowther, egos like the moon, play in a dinner jacket and won’t do the hard yards
I’ll reply to you Butcher cos BG is not a full shilling

totally agree about players but like I’ve said many a time that’s why they stay amateur or lower leagues, regarding Jordan it was SM that got him to Warrington and the rest is history