Quote trinfan71="trinfan71"Some people just don't have a clue what they are talking about. Blaymire is one of the safest fullbacks in the league. Just because he doesn't score every time he fields a high kick or is (as some people say) very pedestrian in his returning of the ball. Look at Brent Webb probably by far the best attacking fullback in super league, but many Leeds fans will tell you they cringe when he is under the high ball in a crowd or is facing a one on one.
I for one prefer to have a fullback who is going to field the high ball and keep a hold of the damn thing. Whether he charges back at 100 mph or strolls back to the line is not the be all and end all. The most important thing is he retains possession more often than not and his positional play is good, he is safe under the high ball. Granted he may miss some one on one tackles, but name me a full back in the league that doesn't, especially one that has to stop as many attacks as one playing behind our defensive line.
Some of our more steady recent fullbacks were not blessed with pace, Martyn Holland, Gary Spencer, Kevin Harcombe and even Collum Halpenny, but they all did a job. In my opinion if he does go it will be Wakefield's loss and Crusaders' gain.'"
God you are a strange one aren't you? You seem to think that the "bring a mate" campaign currently at the tail of every communication from the RFL guy seconded to the club is the work of a crack team of media geniuses locked away for a strategic planning weekend.
What you fail to understand is that there are now les than 200 season ticket holders/members and another 300 or so hard core fans left....and they have all brought mates, brothers, parents, kids, kids mates, kids mates parents to games. In 2012 these fans were to be rewarded for "bringing mates" as part of their ST allowances......less than 5% did.
So no, it's not No fans No Broncos. Your lord and master has been given some cash with which to market the game to the locals......not just to try and flog RL to 300,000 kids the local council paid him to let them come and see his facility.
No Marketing = No fans = No Broncos.........the Marketing bit is down to you and your precious owner. Remind me again how brilliant he has been at that so far?
BTW, I said free "away" kids....they bring full price paying adults with them and it is the same across ALL superleague clubs! If you're going to attempt spin, at least put some effort into it