Quote Wildmoggy="Wildmoggy"People seem to have very short memories on here! The squad is poor you say, a squad put together by Mr. Smith, the guy who you and others thought the sun shone out of his backside until he buggered off after 5 games because he realised he couldn't hack it anymore as a coach. Look at Huddersfield and Salford, the squads' they have on paper, given where we were a year ago it's been a great achievement to have turned things around. It has been disappointing since the semi yes=#FF0000, but overall progress has been made surely.'"
Yes progress has been made but you have to maintain that progress and Wakey have failed to do that. Lets face it Wakefield in the super eights have been a disgrace. I hope Chester doesn't have only a honeymoon period in him

next year will be hard but at least we will have kear to help him if need be.