Quote hi de hi="hi de hi"We will get what we're given with the SKY money, so no bleating there.
Why do we need to sell any players?
Take a bit of advice pal, bother about your own club rather than busy bodying about others.
Are you bored with argueing with Cas fans over the ground so now you're starting on Bradford?
Think you will find that Wakefield fans have been fairly consistent about the Bulls issue.All most asked for was some consistency in the way these occurences are managed by the RFL,and offered sympathy to genuine Bulls supporters.Where it all went wrong was instigated by some Bulls supporters total insistence that Superleague would collapse without them,and that every other club and every Rugby fan in general was in some way morally obligated to get them out of the whole damn mess they created in there cynical attempts to achieve more glory.The cynical way the club exploited the money raised for them by honest hard working people while still not revealing the full extent of the mire they were in should leave a nasty taste in any decent persons mouth.So after weeks of fudging by the person put in charge of sorting out the whole sleazy affair, something which a lot of your own supporters found quite "curious" shall we say, and continuing to beg every penny you could muster from the RFL and other clubs without showing the slightest bit of humility or attempting to raise any funds internally other than sacking all the backroom staff went a long way to eating away at the sympathy vote.
The RFL in there wisdom bodged a way for the Bulls to carry on and so you would think a joyous wave of grattitude would be eminating from the hole in the ground,but no true to form all we get is "hold on this isn't fair,you know that money that we have already had/spent thrown at a generally average squad of overpaid players ? We want it again next year and you better give it to us or it just isn't fair".So to sum up Sir I hope your proud to be a supporter of a club that lied to you and every decent fan and fans of other clubs as well. As the saying goes it's a inconvenient truth and the persistent denial and whining attitude of some of you only further discredits a once proud club. ps HTH