Quote fevlad..="fevlad.."when wakey entered the super league after winning the first division, the SL were not forthcoming with any money for the promoted team, hence a payment fron FASDA to help their move upwards, somewhere in the region i believe of 150-200k, with assurances from the trinity board that they would fight the corner and vote with any motions put up by the lower leagues ...... of course this bit was forgotten, as you seem to have concerning the payment from FASDA
sat here mate, no chips at all, a smug grin on my face, and enjoying every minute of it
and chissit mate, surely you have a better come back than that, half of ponte ? trinity would be happy to own half a yard at your ground at the minute
looking forward to the derbies for the next few years .... our home games will be where we've always been, yours will be..... where ?'"
Ah, so thats your proof. [i
Your say so?!! [/i
Jog on lad, and take your rather pathetic petulant snipes with you.
Thanks very much!!