Quote Mr Hicks="Mr Hicks"You ever thought that was a personal loan to the club.

Had to laugh at that one. Did he spin you that story or did you just make it up? Where do you think Fawcett would have got quarter of a million quid from to lend to the club?

You'd have massively increased respect, business backing, sponsorship, goodwill, local buy-in, crowds, rugby league nous, volunteers, feel good factor not to mention sporting success and be a magnet for the community if Fawcett were to walk (or be led away). The dwindling number of (duped/naïve/stupid - tick as appropriate) people who still back him and keep him in power just prolong the agony and do the majority of (now lapsed) Cougars supporters a disservice, preventing them from supporting the team, as they will not set foot in CP again until he's no longer involved. Hence there are "no crowds down" as you say. And please don't refer to Keighley Cougars as a small club, despite what Fawcett has done to it. Cougars were big in the past and will be again - but not until this guy has gone, I'm afraid.