I have to say that having read through the game report and this aptly named thread that Stealth has done an incredible job of reporting back to all cougar fans back home and should be applauded for his efforts
It was a real pleasure to meet Soupy, a guy that holds a Cougars season ticket and attends what away games he can and Toulouse away of all games!, a fine effort to say he no longer lives in Keighley, Derby if I recall correctly (i had had a few to say the least

Peter & Heather, Thank you for making us feel so welcome, it was a real pleasure to meet you both, Thank you for the souvenir
JD, Nigel, Neil and all the players made us all feel a part of our club, Thank you all
All in all this was a fantastic experience that I will remember for a very long time to come
I am looking forward to coming to France again, Now can anyone tell me the next cup draw when we are scheduled to play against the French?