It was an interesting performance from the ref - it would have been easy to give more penalties than he did. He actually tried to keep the game flowing rather than continually blowing his whistle.
That in itself resulted in some frustration as slowing down the play the ball by York became prevalent (strange tactic from such a supposedly superior team

, and one that Dewsbury made an art of throughout our games against them)
A sin bin when things became tasty could have prevented what happened later, but again, the thought process appeared to be to let two teams play on a level playing field.
Difficult job being a ref...
All in all, on reflection, most of what went wrong was down to player discipline, not a poor reffing performance as he tried to give us all a decent spectacle (and it was).
What I don't understand is how, after the punching incident, a York player ran 20 metres to punch Daley and has got away with it.
After all, there is a video, isn't there?