Quote Mr Hicks="Mr Hicks"These are my personal thoughts which I feel I have to air to see how others feel.
I never thought from the start that Paul March was the person to take us forward as coach.
As a player he was an asset with his experience at the level we were playing at.
In my opinion he has no control over the players as a coach.
From what I can remember 4 players have gone on holiday etc during this season.
Paul White, Josh Lynham, Jesse Sherrife and James Feather (captain)
I don't buy into that these players are only part time.
They have a commitment to the club and supporters for around 8 to 9 months per year.
They play for a team and a club they are not individual sportsmen.
How James Feather the club captain can be away for the most important part of the season is beyond belief.
People say he is committed to the club, he didn't show too much commitment after his testimonial season by signing for Hunslet.
Whatever the reasons he came back for I don't know but he left the club and now after leaving the team for the play offs I think its time for him to go.
The team has become too familiar and too many players are not good enough to take us to the next level.
Ive spoken to Gary on a few occasions and he seems a nice person but he is either nieve or stupid to keep making comments that we have a 5 year plan to be in Super league.
The first time he said after the 5 year period was up we were in the bottom division.
1 year into the next 5 year period we are hanging on a thread to gain promotion.
At the moment we are re signing players not bringing in new faces with the exception of the ex Hunslet player.
Adam Brook is a 20 yo half back with no experience in first team rugby, if we were going to try and show the supporters what our intensions were we would have done what Workington Town did and sign an experienced half back like Jarrod Sammut who has done wonders for them and turned there results around.
The only way the board can get the backing of the fans in my opinion is to let Paul March go and have a clear out.
I would rather see us rebuild in Championship 1 than go into the Championship and get beat week in week out with the same squad of players.
the players I would keep would be Gabriel, Rikki Sherrife, Lawton, White, Handforth, Jode Sherrife, Pursglove, Rawlings, Ash Lindsay, Matt Bailey, Barnes, Lynham, Darville, Kelly.
I don't know the situation with the loan players but we certainly need a Full back, another strong hard running centre, an experienced half back, 2 or 3 big hard props, 2 second rows and a coach that demands commitment and discipline from his players .
I would love to see Tyler Dickinson stay.
I only support the team I don't throw money in as a sponsor and I do know that we don't have bags of money floating around.
Im also pretty sure the board have the club at heart and keep it running in a financially stable way but please stop making false promises that are way off the mark.
You can make statements to fans with your actions regards staff and players then fans will take you more serious.'"
A good post Mr Hicks , as much as I dislike you I have to agree
With 99 percent if what yo have said.
Massive changes need to happen from Players at the bottom
Up through the Coach to to the board at the top , including the ground
And facilaties (sp) on offer. *** No disrespect to the chaps who have
Been doing the painting etc to the ground already this season which
Is and looks a million times better ***
I don't agree with your point about Buster , but I am sure we can
Agree to disagree on that one .
There is a lot of improvements to be made ,
Need non alcoholic refreshment on matchdays ??? No chance unless
You want to pay £2 for carp cheap tea or coffee in a polystyrene cup with a
Lid that doesn't fit ..... That's Dearer than starbucks or Costa .
Want some food ? ...... Good luck , how about a refried chip butty cooked
Old stinking oil on a dry teacake
or a rock hard dried out sausage sandwhich that is guaranteed
To give you acid.
Don't forget the cheap salty burgers ..... infact I will forget the
Burgers ..... think thats it for choice.
Maybe a server who could 'add up ' could be an asset , when struggling to add 80p + 80p and having to ask someone else they May not be the right choice....... even though she is a nice friendly lass.
The catering kiosk at any venue at this level should be a goldmine if run correctly ,
You have a captive audience of which some want to eat , the profits at acceptable
Sports venue prices are enormous - it's not rocket science ( I do know
Having had 4 successful Sandwich Bars in the past )
Need to use the toilets ? Again , good luck , the gents in the bar area stink
Of stale urine - as they have for the last two seasons - and have never seen bleach or disinfectant by the look of it , the outside toilets are even worse , infact nothing short of disgusting.
The announcer , I know he works for free which is fantastic but some of the stuff he comes out with are cringeworthy and unprofessional at best , also , the music after a try , I agree it is a good thing and it adds to the whole atmosphere but does it need to go on so long ? I'm sure who ever is kicking our goals would be better if they could actually concentrate when setting up the kick.
The new paint job on the bottom end gate and turnstiles look great ( top job lads) but what is the first thing you see as you pass through ??? An overflowing skip time and time again. Not a good look.
Matchday club fundraising , One chap selling halftime draw tickets ....... what happened to the 'golden goal ' tickets from a few season ago ? If it only raises fifty quid a match it would do over a grand through the whole season , if the club can't risk the £1000 prize tben drop it to £100 , still a good prize chance for 50p a ticket and a good bit of fun for the crowd .
Half time stand up bingo , again a great bit of fun that just vanished ....... bring it back and get some extra money raised just don't use youths with a frown and chins trailing on the floor to sell the tickets , I'm sure 3 or four people on the gates prematch then walking round during the match selling tickets could rais a few grand of much needed extra money.
How about a few football cards being run before the game ? Again a quick easy cash fundraiser...... just think outside the box !!!
The Coach , Paul March , yeah a great player in his time , still quite good at this level .... pots of experience and gametime and a nice chap to boot . BUT , Coach
Material ? No , not yet at least , yes he carried the players through and handled Danny Jones Death in an impecible way ( as did the whole club ) , but he is not and should not be the players best buddy , he's the coach , end of.
Promotion or not a new Coach is needed , I would rather the club stayed in
CH1 with someone new or maybe giving Buster a chance than promotion with
Paul March.
End of rant for now (and please excuse the typos
