Quote Danny 2="Danny 2"where is your facts that tna are allowing hulk to do what he likes
and wcw failed cause it let every big superstar run there storys'"
Not every big superstar but every [u
aging[/u big superstar IMO.

By this I mean if they'd pushed slightly younger guys who had a longer career ahead like Goldberg, Jericho and Raven, they might have had a chance of surviving, but when you're having Hogan v Flair as your main event for the umpteenth time people will get bored.
IMO Hogan would be a great signing for publicity, brand development etc if he was just coming in as an advisor, General Manager or something, but got a horrible feeling he was build his power there and end up having a major say in everything that goes on, which could be bad for TNA (noticed how he's already getting more TV time then many young wrestlers and he's not even fully appeared yet?!

And, don't be supposed if he beats AJ for the title in 30 seconds like he did to the late, great Yokozuna.
Believe it or not, I am actually still a Hulkamaniac though!