Quote Trouble Darn T Lane="Trouble Darn T Lane"Your arrogance made our victory all the sweater pal
Thanks to all the genuine Wigan fans that were concerned about the tie and to those that have congratulated us after
I still fancy you for the GF'"
Hey Congratulations Cas I thought you played an outstanding game of Rugby league and your defence was top drawer. I will hold my head in shame I definitely did not see this coming and maybe if we give you a good hiding this Friday it might restore some confidence in my own prediction skills which are pretty poor after that display.
It's wasn't arrogance though I genuinely believe that we are a much better side than yourselves at full strength. If we manage to meet again this season with 2 full strength sides out hopefully you will see this unfold.
I think the word your looking for is "SWEETER" not sweater. I know a few were commenting earlier last week on here whether people from Cas went to school.
SWEATER " A knitted garment worn on the upper body, typically with long sleeves, put on over the head"