Quote Gazwire="Gazwire"On ferry on the way back from ireland and have taken time to read all the
comments with plently of guiness down.
I agree with pretty much everything that has been said.
I'm not spitting my dummy out this time cos i've probably lost it already in
that first post! but the reason i spat my dummy out was because of all
the stuff about crap fans and a crap rugby club where you guys don't have
I'll defend my team and my fans like yourselves and I accept a lot of
what's been said on here but to have a number of your fans calling us
false fans and a proper team; doesn't sit well.
You'll find, (myth like) that most wire fans have a hell of a lot of respect
for wigan's fans and history, and a side with mgwire at the helm this season.
I've got 20 secs left on this ferry link. all the best'"
No doubt you are a genuine fan, none of us have problems with people like you. Its a sad fact that a few idiots can easily tarnish the reputation of the rest.
I hope you lose on saturday though!