Quote Last Son of Wigan="Last Son of Wigan"Lets face it, the older, richer southern brother of ours has struck another blow into the heart of all we are trying to develop by signing up another highly rate young back in Kyle Eastmond.
With the 6 nations, the international excellence and world media interest generated by Union supported by a larger salary cap is it any wonder that some of talent are looking elsewhere? In all honesty no, not at all.
Kyle Eastmond isn't to be blamed for putting pen to paper with Bath, it's the lack of prospects that surround him in League. Poor second rate international game which really only consists of 3 teams. Finally the cash incentive can't be overlooked, why not push yourself for a greater income? Whe're all human and money is a persistant fact that simply can't be ignored no matter if your heart belongs to League.
On closer inspection it isn't just the 'hammering blows' from Union which are causing us to bleed, but its the lack of defence we have to support and develop our own code.
Truth be told, and I think there is a genuine cult believe with rugby fans that league is the better code, faster, action packed with more entertainment throughout. So why is the better product losing players to the other code?
Salary cap-Lets not make any bones about it, we are suffering as players want more cash, bang on about loyalty all you like, but it doesn't pay the bills and help a great deal when you retire from all you know at 33. Yes the cap has brought a more even playing field, but it needs to be raised to allow us to keep our star players, otherwise this will happen again and again. (SBW, Ashton Hape, Eastmond to name a few).
Wouldn't it be better not just to keep hold our are stars but attract from ther sports/codes/places?
A better international game. Is promotion doing its job? Clearly something is wrong considering the gates for Scots V Ireland in league compared to the same fixture in Union.
Does the rugby league develop a system similar to that of Union to increase a failing international scene?
Something needs to change.'"
Firstly Union is not a "Southern" game, but a lot of your points are spot on.
Of course the CC is destroying the game, just as some of us predicted years ago. We are now starting to see the effects gain in momentum.
Take the WC final last Sunday. We had a team that was very well coached, very well drilled, put a massive amount of effort in.....but ultimately we didn't have the "star" players to really pose a threat to the St G defence. Why? - we simply couldn't accomodate such players under the CC.
Union is the larger game. Like it or not, it is the one game that most people "know" about in the UK and the world. It is played at most schools throughout the country, and when people talk about "Rugby" they are, more likely than not talking about Union. So Union has an in built advantage from the start.
How do the powers that be try and counter this advantage? - by further crippling the ability of clubs to attract star players and make the game more exciting via an artificial CC that has been morphed into the disaster that it is now.
Boston, Davies, Offiah, Hanley, Robinson,
What have all these got in common? - under the current system you would have never seen the first 3 in RL, and the last 2 would have gone in their early 20's.
Think about that for a minute. All the entertainment that they gave, all the tries they scored, all the memories they provided would NEVER have happened if we were in the same position that we are now.
The future is NOT bright for RL.
It will not be long before all the raw talent is in RU. What's left in RL will be the lesser talented players who can't make it in RU. They will be well coached, put massive effort in and perform to the best of their ability on the pitch.
However, in order to see the very best talent, you will have to go to a game of RU.
Who would have thought I would have been saying this 20 years ago?
Still at least Castleford won't have to merge with Wakefield eh?