Quote wire-quin="wire-quin"Quote wire-quin="orangeman"Being banned for having a different opinion to the bloke who pays the wages whilst destroying the club should be a badge of honour.
Hughes has his club and he's welcome to it. When it dies (as it will), I'll happily support the new entity that rises from the ashes, but I'm done supporting the husk it has become.'"
I’m with you on this GF
It’s become a joke, they’ve really hit rock bottom. Alienation of long term fans. The establishment of a paid group of ‘elite’ fans lead by uneducated clowns who they’ve given ‘power’ to. Official communications coming from and managed by ………. Let’s just say non qualified personnel.
Last weeks match announcer sounded drunk. Danny Brough converts again……. The guy wasn’t on the pitch
It goes on and on
I’m done with it. Be interesting to see the attendance numbers yesterday. I know quite a few that didn’t go.'" .
You two guys have summed up the current situation at the Broncos perfectly.
As one who whilst not having been banned, my family and I have been blocked on SM and had some very unprofessional communication from some monkey at the club.
I did go yesterday and it was pretty soulless. Many regulars have not returned this season. Quite a few from last week gave this week a miss for whatever reason.
It does appear now that we have an Elite Fan Group, which can only lead to the alienation of other fans. Fans who have stuck with the club for years, now to be treated as second class. For heaven sake, we have few enough fans as it is.
As it now stands and I think I am not alone. I do not feel appreciated by the club. they seem to have turned on their loyal fans.
We followed the club both home and away, however we have made the decision to knock the away games on the head. I am not going to the effort of a 500 miles round trip to watch dross. Might do the odd one just to meet friends that we have made over the years, but that is all.
No real effort is being made to attract fans. I would like to think that the only way is up. I am not sure it is.