Quote Wadski="Wadski"To say this whole away shirt episode is shambolic is an understatement.
If the shirt is not over here yet they could at least show us a design. Maybe they are worried people won't like it.
Similar to Danrils post - if they did an old style cotton C&G irregular hooped shirt it would make them a fortune. I can't help that the limited merchandise is more to do with shop space in the two shops rather than lack of ideas.
=#FF0000:oah5oue0Still we have [url=http://www.stadiumsuperstore.com/item_detail.asp?parent_id=276&sub_id=279&product_id=1513:oah5oue0£2 Giants Chocolate.[/url:oah5oue0'"
Do not knock that chocolate. My kids all got one instead of a selection box this year and it went down very well. Fortuntaely the kids did not notice that some of it was dissappearing over night when they were in bed