Great "bah humbug" topic this - so as I am already often reminded of being a grumpy old man by the missus - here goes:
1. Shopping of any kind but especially despise Ikea - absolute torture!!!
2. Lack of politeness - a thank you costs nothing.
3. Political correctness, and
4. Generally any of the daft "isms" that stop anyone stating what they really think in fear of being branded for life as something despicable - debate is healthy and opinions are what make life interesting.
5. Anyone who gets in my way - but mostly people who dawdle around. If you are queuing for something then no excuse for not having decided what you want by the time you get served, and having your money ready for goodness sake!!!
6. Waiting to be served at the bar - this is a truly british disease and we should not tolerate it. No one queues like this abroad - do they?
7. Umbrellas - the weapon of choice for mostly women who seem to think it is your job to avoid them and fatal eye injury as they scuttle past. Men with umbrellas - need I say more - no excuse guys - get a hat!!!
8. Overtly gay men - no problem with anyones sexuality - just don't want my face rubbed in it - so to speak!!!
9. Celebrity endorsement - why do people fall for it??? Wearing David Beckham after shave dont make you any more like him you know!!!
Better stop now - but bet I am not alone with most of the above if we are all honest.