The tannoy system is a huge area of concern for myself and many people at present. The club as a whole have made miraculous progress over the last 8 months and the end product on the pitch last Sunday was fantastic to watch.
However, the tannoy has been constantly unreliable since we played our first game at the LSV. The match day announcer has the most difficult, yet extremely important job in the ground on the day. He is the focal point for everything that is happening at the club and the interface with all fans. When he has to constantly battle issues with his mic and comms it looks amateurish and inevitably impacts on his overall performance and ability to create a rapport with the crowd. A few first time visitors have commented on this to myself over the last few years and I assumed that the LSV would have had it sorted by now!
Do they have the same issues at Blackburn Reserve games? During the RL World Cup game were there any issues?? I don't know because I couldn't attend. If there wasn't, then what are we doing wrong on matchdays?
The cheerleaders and the flags all looked really smart also and great to see the kids being involved. I think it would be better for them to stand in a wide 'V' shape from the tunnel though as al the players by-passed their guard of honour on Sunday and only a couple ran through it (which was a shame as it looked really, really smart).
I had a brilliant day on Sunday and felt priviliged to see my home team play a style of RL i haven't witnessed for a long time, culminating in some unbelievable tries. I know EVERYBODY at the club is trying so hard to make matchday the best it can be and this is not a cheap shot at anybody. Its an observation by myself and others which I hope can be resolved to enable the matchday experience to become even more professional and allow us to stand out when we reach the Top.