You beat me to it Alan , a good day in the end after a quiet start , also a thank you to the Mazey's , Alan and Andy for their good sportsmanship in joining in , Rob Parker as well
A special word for Andy Mazey's Daughter [ I think for being the only one that managed to flip the F1 simulator upside down [ dont worry Dereck , it was only the ' virtual ' car

Thanks to all the contributors on the day , too many to put all on here , but special thanks to Derecks F1 guy , his patience with all those kids was admirable , especially after a 7 hour drive back from Scotland yesterday , and Dereck of course for letting us use it
I hope Braden and his family had a good day , I know the various BOD members that came out to observe and join in were pleased with how it went , thanks for letting Tonia and her helpers put it on