Go on I'll bite
here is an example
1 find the pic that you want to post. i.e. if you downloaded a pic look in downloads.
2 either rename the pic or write it down so you don't forget it. Also remember where its location is (i always copy it to a pics folder on my desktop for easy location finding)
3 goto
beta.photobucket.com/ and sign up with them its free
sign or
log in to photobucket
5 if a welcome message pops up click
get started
6 now you should be on the home page click the orange button with
start uploading on it.
7 now under
Upload to Photobucket you will see a box with
Drag n' Drop your Photos and Videos or
browse files do as it says grab your pic file and drop it in there, or press browse and find it that way.
8 now you will see your file in the box(i just dragged and dropped it)
9 if there are more pics to upload then drag and drop them or browse to the same place.
10 press
upload the blue button under the box.
11 it will show you a progress bar on how much its uploading and show you some advertising
12 onced finished it will show the library with your pics there, you can lable them if you want.
13 now double click on the pic you want, when it shows you the big image look over to the right hand side and under
Image Links you will see
IMG code click the code in the box at the side and it will say copied.
14 now you have copied the link to that picture.
15 now if you goto the forum you want to show the image. do the same if to make a message and press the right hand mouse button in the message box and then paste. An img link will appear. somthing like