Smiffy27: Not really a pop at people
If you keep throwing crap at Wire you are bound to get a response eventually
It's a forum and negative drivel should be questioned. Don't get yourself in a twist.
There is not much doubt that alcohol is not good for you
It is common knowledge but thanks for the reminder.
I know what you were doing
It was a thinly veiled jibe at me, calling me a wimp and antisocial misfit by association of my earlier post
Only now I have called you out on it and you are not standing by it because you are a gutless keyboard warrior
If you want to call me a wimp and anti-social misfit then I will gladly give you my address by PM and you can come round and we can discuss it face to face.
There is video evidence of the p#ss up after the game, acting like they haven't a care in the world
Whilst people who have followed Wire for decades were embarrassed by the result
Spin it how you like, it's loser behaviour.