Quote The optimist="The optimist"There are things at the club that need doing which cost money, unfortunately as a club we run on a tight budget so any ideas need to be a guaranteed success / break even financially to be considered.
There are also things that need to be done which dont cost a penny
Communicate better with fans - Lots of people come on here and talk about emailing the club / ringing the club and not having success in getting answers to their questions, The club have various points of contact with us supporters (facebook, twitter, telephone, email and face to face in the shop) for me they seem to do well on the facebook but not all fans are on facebook.
I do feel sorry for the people in the shop / on the other end of the phone because they seem to not be told anything, they seem to be the last to know and horribly over worked when reaily they should be the 1st imo
They also lack numbers and with the current echonomic situation there must be fans who are looking for experience to add to a CV, nothing massive just a helping hand until somthing better turns up.
Im sure a good pitch to JW or DT and probably being a pain in the booty they would snap your hand off for some "free help" to improve the club
Id use the new buses from the willows / Trafford centre to promote away travel, with offers of discount travel with the flyer, id see if i could get a local company to sponsor it with an advert of the leaflet
Promote to kids more in Salford and the surrounding area - I would look into starting the Junior devils up again, i accept that there will be a start up cost to this but lets say a start up pack of a Signed A3 team photo (they gave them away last season), a key ring (£1), A message from Ignito welcoming you to the club (10p for paper n printing, a bar of chocolate (bought in bulk from Costco 50p per bar) a DVD of last seasons trys (say £5 to make) charge £12 per child
Id make a list of all the youth clubs / Playgroups in the area pop down some basic info / Market research on what they want / look for and see what we can do, id try and work closely with these people as they are the future now we have a nice stadium there is more chance of them coming.
Id take a bit of the offical website and market it as the kids zone, messages from ignito, player interiews aimed at kids, lots of colour, kids birthday announcements, ignito being involved
Though the season say 3 times you could invite the kids to "Skills sessons" on a Saturday or Sunday at the new stadium, Say £3 per child for 80 minutes players who are available will take a group of kids and give them a basic fun training session, Ignito will be there for photos and making it fun get Bill the photo man and his Side kick down to take some photos with Ignito Ect send them to MEN, Rugby League express Promoting these events
Id also send letters written by Ignito though the post to the children every 3 months with stories/ news of events coming up, pictures to colour, quiz, spot the difference, it will cost money to do this but again you could see if any local company would like to sponsor it for a free advert slipped in the bundle
If this a success then you would target holidays to hold events ( halloween, christmas party, Easter egg hunt) it kind of depends on the success of your recruitment if this kind of thing takes place if you can aim to hold a large event like this.
Create a bit of ownership for the people of salford - Any interviews by SS or PV to the MEN / Advertiser / Main press id stress that they mention that the team are proud of the city they represent and are humbled by the passion of the supporters and people in the city for the Rugby club, try and get the message across that Salford City Reds is the crown jewel of Salford, it gives them an Identity like Barcelona is the focus of the Catalan region of Spain
Salford is your team, its in the city come and be part of it.
Thats all ive got for now, hopefully there will be more positive ideas to come from everyone, we should all be looking to work together at this crutial time in our clubs history , it wont cost that much money to get these kind of things up and running and PR wise would be a massive step in the right direction'"
Quote The optimist="The optimist"There are things at the club that need doing which cost money, unfortunately as a club we run on a tight budget so any ideas need to be a guaranteed success / break even financially to be considered.
There are also things that need to be done which dont cost a penny
Communicate better with fans - Lots of people come on here and talk about emailing the club / ringing the club and not having success in getting answers to their questions, The club have various points of contact with us supporters (facebook, twitter, telephone, email and face to face in the shop) for me they seem to do well on the facebook but not all fans are on facebook.
I do feel sorry for the people in the shop / on the other end of the phone because they seem to not be told anything, they seem to be the last to know and horribly over worked when reaily they should be the 1st imo
They also lack numbers and with the current echonomic situation there must be fans who are looking for experience to add to a CV, nothing massive just a helping hand until somthing better turns up.
Im sure a good pitch to JW or DT and probably being a pain in the booty they would snap your hand off for some "free help" to improve the club
Id use the new buses from the willows / Trafford centre to promote away travel, with offers of discount travel with the flyer, id see if i could get a local company to sponsor it with an advert of the leaflet
Promote to kids more in Salford and the surrounding area - I would look into starting the Junior devils up again, i accept that there will be a start up cost to this but lets say a start up pack of a Signed A3 team photo (they gave them away last season), a key ring (£1), A message from Ignito welcoming you to the club (10p for paper n printing, a bar of chocolate (bought in bulk from Costco 50p per bar) a DVD of last seasons trys (say £5 to make) charge £12 per child
Id make a list of all the youth clubs / Playgroups in the area pop down some basic info / Market research on what they want / look for and see what we can do, id try and work closely with these people as they are the future now we have a nice stadium there is more chance of them coming.
Id take a bit of the offical website and market it as the kids zone, messages from ignito, player interiews aimed at kids, lots of colour, kids birthday announcements, ignito being involved
Though the season say 3 times you could invite the kids to "Skills sessons" on a Saturday or Sunday at the new stadium, Say £3 per child for 80 minutes players who are available will take a group of kids and give them a basic fun training session, Ignito will be there for photos and making it fun get Bill the photo man and his Side kick down to take some photos with Ignito Ect send them to MEN, Rugby League express Promoting these events
Id also send letters written by Ignito though the post to the children every 3 months with stories/ news of events coming up, pictures to colour, quiz, spot the difference, it will cost money to do this but again you could see if any local company would like to sponsor it for a free advert slipped in the bundle
If this a success then you would target holidays to hold events ( halloween, christmas party, Easter egg hunt) it kind of depends on the success of your recruitment if this kind of thing takes place if you can aim to hold a large event like this.
Create a bit of ownership for the people of salford - Any interviews by SS or PV to the MEN / Advertiser / Main press id stress that they mention that the team are proud of the city they represent and are humbled by the passion of the supporters and people in the city for the Rugby club, try and get the message across that Salford City Reds is the crown jewel of Salford, it gives them an Identity like Barcelona is the focus of the Catalan region of Spain
Salford is your team, its in the city come and be part of it.
Thats all ive got for now, hopefully there will be more positive ideas to come from everyone, we should all be looking to work together at this crutial time in our clubs history , it wont cost that much money to get these kind of things up and running and PR wise would be a massive step in the right direction'"

Some very good idea's there Optimist, all of which seem cheap in there conception, with a little bit of planning all could become a reality.
Most of all the team needs to have that winning mentality both on and off the field, nobody wants to watch a bunch of losers. ( something we Salford fans have become accustomed to. )