I wouldn't worry my then girlfriend (now wife) 1st game was a funbus to hull and a 84-6 defeat, she came back the next week I'm still convinced salford were testing her that day just to see if she was in it for the right reasons.
I also wouldn't worry about people behaving, I've witnessed dramatic changes in behavior in our group in the last 7 years with the influx of ladies becoming match going reds from ladish bordering on hooliganistic behavior to now sitting and having mini agony ant sessions, I'm not saying the ballooning has stopped you just find they do it in their own time not yours.
Oh and you will get deano telling you that you are. " finished" on a regular basis, best plan is to start a conversation about your wife, marrage or kids or all three he will react like superman does to kriptonite and leave you to enjoy the rest of your day with the two loves in your life